
My life was predicted 200 years ago by Poet Friedrich Schiller

Der Pilgrim The Pilgrim

Denn mich trieb ein mächtig Hoffen

Und ein dunkles Glaubenswort,

Wandle, rief's, der Weg ist offen,

Immer nach dem Aufgang fort.

Bis zu einer goldnen Pforte

Du gelangst, da gehst du ein,

Denn das Irdische wird dorten

Himmlisch, unvergänglich sein.

Abend ward's und wurde Morgen,

Nimmer, nimmer stand ich still;

Aber immer blieb's verborgen,

Was ich suche, was ich will.

Driven by almighty hope

And a dark and blurry faith,

Change it said, the path is open

Always upwards, to the top.

Up until a golden gate

You'll arrive; there simply enter,

Because there mundanely things

Become heavenly eternal.

It was morning, it was night,

Never, never did I stop.

But it always remained hidden

What I search for, what I want.

For Sailor I am a bird, afraid of heightsI am a fish, drowning tonightIn an ocean of fear. The lion got killed by a deer, and whyDo angels appear in this hell of mineThat’s suddenly here. Who took you away, declaring the endThe clocks must be wrong and no signs were sentThis just cannot be real. Oxygen wanes and I’m bleeding outEverything’s broken, lost, damaged and foulPlease someone reverse the wheel. Oh you are my kingdom; I refuse that you were, I will come and find you wherever you areYet I’m facing the headlights, I cannot move, I want you so much, I’m denying the truthOh come back if you don’t I step into the light, burning in pain till again you are mine.
Forever engraved is your soul in my heartI cannot exist, I am falling apartZero purpose remains. So high the moon, so far you areI am left with none, and just want to runInto your shadow that fades. The agony keeps repeating itselfOr I spin around it, don’t know love, please helpMake this all go away.
My life is sustained by your presence aloneWithout you, I promise, I’m turning to stoneRemove all those tears and this pain.
Oh you are my kingdom; I refuse that you were, I will come and find you wherever you areYet I’m facing the headlights, I cannot move, I want you so much, I’m denying the truthOh come back if you don’t I step into the light, burning in pain till again you are mine.
Don’t leave me out here, oh Sailor please don’t I am not prepared, I can’t fight this frontAll known armies deceased. Streams of lava entrapped my will to liveAnd God only knows if heaven existsOh let’s make one dear priest. All powers above name your price and your wantsI’ll meet all demands cause continue I can’t In this darkness and cold. There must be a way but all exits seem blockedMy universe’s lost and with it the thoughtThat joy will again unfold.
Oh you are my kingdom; I refuse that you were, I will come and find you wherever you areYet I’m facing the headlights, I cannot move, I want you so much, I’m denying the truthOh come back if you don’t I step into the light, burning in pain till again you are mine.

Es entstand seltsamerweise

gestern Nacht ganz still und leise,

ein ganz komisches Gefühl.

Zuerst in meinem Herz ein schwaches Klopfen,

dass immer lauter werdend meinen Körper,

und schließlich meinen Geist durchdrang.

Dies Gefühl verwehrte mir den Atem,

kein einziger Gedanke, den ich fand.

Erstarrend an die Decke schauend,

vergebens um Fasson bemüht,

mir plötzlich die Erinnerung

vergangener Minuten wieder schien.

Schweißgebadet, zitternd, und ermüdet

lag ich auf diesem Bette hier.

Und hab geträumt, ich träum' von dir.

River You said goodbye and I knew that you meant itA new road was found, wheels were put in reverseYesterday’s promise was suddenly unfitTo uphold the vows and was deemed as a curse.
Let go what you love or so they do say, rightStill this doesn’t make sense, this seems a mistakeYour ventures were always protected by sunlightBut this time I tell you those rays, they will fade.
I am tossed in the distance, I’m pushed to the dark, a comet of sorrow replaces my heart.Where once was red blood is a dangerous beast, destroying all life, making joy obsolete. But I know There’ll always be a river that connects us, I promise you a power that protects usFrom losing this magic we gained.Your turning away, I can’t stop it and thus, I accept it in pain, hiding out till our pathsMeet again, face to face, cheating fate.
Regret, great despair, agony, I’ll withstandNo power nor spirit can change my mindDo what you must do, you will know in the endKnow what’s wrong and what’s right, change to vision from blind.
The prospect appears in great colors, I knowAnd I’m wishing you well, wish you conquer this pathI’m suppressing my tears, am accepting the flowAnd sometime down the road, I’ll defeat my wrath.
I will crawl from the distance, pushing into the light, I will summon all forces to free my stained mind.Surviving this moment and the time to come, is my pledge to you, cause you will succumb. Oh please know There’ll always be a river that connects us, I promise you a power that protects usFrom losing this magic we gained.Your turning away, I can’t stop it and thus, I accept it in pain, hiding out till our pathsMeet again, face to face, cheating fate. I will let you go now, relinquish my handRemember my words though, watch out for the lightI’ll uphold for you across oceans and landTo signal I’m here every day, every night.
Our thing it was built on eternal rock groundNo king and no queen can seize our realmWhen you’re ready you’ll find my pure love aboundUnchanged by this storm and remained at the helm. We will master the distance, turning moon into sun, we will melt all the ice, and together we’ll runInto heavenly clouds proving destiny right, you will see what I mean once you finish your fight. Yeah I know There’ll always be a river that connects us, I promise you a power that protects usFrom losing this magic we gained.Your turning away, I can’t stop it and thus, I accept it in pain, hiding out till our pathsMeet again, face to face, cheating fate.

The Colors of Love

I'm inviting you all to a game I call

What color is love

Right off the bat you will say it is red

But here is my thought.

Love’s a shiny purple gem

Sparkling rain will overwhelm

You completely in your realm

It’s when a man loves a man.

You can't disregard my thought that purple is a part of love

Be it rocky or smooth

If you argue that's not all, I agree with you and shall

Continue my quest for the truth.

Love is colorful and rich, free your mind of prejudice

Accept things the way they are, share your happiness with all

Don’t be shy come out of stealth, ignore age and race and wealth

You can’t change the chosen path, so enjoy and let the universe crash.

Love is cyan like the sky

Endless blue that makes you high

When you find that precious pearl

It’s when a girl loves a girl.

Do you see that overall cyan is a part of love

Surely you must admit

Royal blue marks gracious queens, and the atmosphere we breathe

But I’m not at the end of my wit.

Love is evergreen like pines

Stand the cold and snow and ice

Surviving everything quite well

It’s when you do love yourself.

Well I guess it is confirmed, green is also part of love

So just follow along

Because there is more indeed, I continue with my speech

Without further prolong.

Love is yellow like the sun

With golden rays you're overrun

It takes the air out of the lung

It’s when the old loves the young.

Now you get what I’m about, yellow’s part of love no doubt

But still colors remain

Do you guess what’s next in line, do you want to help define

Or I just will resume to explain.

Love’s an orange fox, it’s wild

Cause no rules or laws apply

It overturns a conscious mind

It’s when your heart loves a child.

I’m not finished yet dear friends, orange’s part of love and blends

Right into my message here

Don’t believe it all depends on wise words from someone else

My implication by now should be clear.

Love is colorful and rich, free your mind of prejudice

Accept things the way they are, share your happiness with all

Don’t be shy come out of stealth, ignore age and race and wealth

You can’t change the chosen path, so enjoy and let the universe crash.

And yes love’s red a fireball

Flies right in you takes control

Of your mind and of your soul

It’s when a girl loves a boy.

Paint a picture of my gist, love’s also red so don’t dismiss

Any chances in vain

Let life be, accept a twist, no other power does exist

That makes us so strong cutting chains.

Love is colorful and rich, free your mind of prejudice

Accept things the way they are, share your happiness with all

Don’t be shy come out of stealth, ignore age and race and wealth

You can’t change the chosen path, so enjoy and let the universe crash.

The Love Lie

Oh love’s just torture in disguise

I know for sure, I know I’m right

I’ve tried a million times despite

My oath to rest this gruesome fight.

Believe you me, it is a fact

It either ends in pain or death

So when you really do the math

The numbers crumble, go off path.

It starts so sweet, tremendous joy

Is trailed by wrath and then destroy

All magic it once had, oh my

Then boom he’s gone, the precious boy.

He disappeared and took the strut

So as advised, I reconstruct

The rubble pieces in the mutt

To heal the wounds, the hurt heart


It didn’t do any of the things the psychiatrist had promised

Yet it made me realize that I am alive.

He said forget, forgive and change, proceed to breathing, stop the cries

Continue on, cause you will grow and then thrive.

This time it took abundant time

It seemed forever in my mind

So when it blew I tried to find

Another way to make it right.

I laughed, I cried, I begged, I shout

Gave him a chance to figure out

Where we belong, move on from doubt

Yet still no good did come about.

The hell that comes right after love

For sure shows all emotive worth

The love lie gained oh what on earth

Was I to do despite rebirth.

I turned to help to clear the mess

The boy created when he left

I changed my mantra, decompressed

Got all the garbage off my chest.


It didn’t do any of the things the psychiatrist had promised

but it made me realize, I want a new life.

He said forget, forgive and change, proceed to breathing, stop the cries

Continue on, cause you will grow and then thrive.

From now on I will let it rest

Ignore for sure the other sex

I think I’m gonna get a pet

And live a life without this threat.

I will read books, make instant meals

And when temptation next appeals

I’ll storm the other way for real

Kindly deny the offered deal.

Love only me and life as is

Find other ways to get a kick

Define new goals to really quick

Apply this so-called golden trick.

Take my advice cause you must know

The love lie fools you really slow

Into believing it can grow

Eternally but I say, with all due respect,


It didn’t do any of the things the psychiatrist had promised

but it made me realize, it’s time for my life.

He said forget, forgive and change, proceed to breathing, stop the cries

Continue on, cause you will grow and then thrive.